Hello potential sponsor! We appreciate you considering donating funds to NELL. Your support is greatly appreciated and will help us to provide a great baseball experience for the girls and boys in our league.
While Northeast Little League operates with unpaid volunteers, the cost of uniforms, equipment, field maintenance and insurance adds up. The sponsor fee you contribute helps us to maintain a quality Little League baseball program while minimizing player fees.
This season we are suggesting a $250 sponsor donation.
Your sponsorship will result in your business name being assigned to at least one team in our organization. Your logo/name will be displayed on the hat of your team and a banner with your logo will be hung at the ballpark. We will also feature your info and a link to your website at www.midlandnell.com.
2024 was another fantastic year for NELL!
Our 10-year-old All Star Team won the District tournament & made it to the quarter-finals at the State tournament in Ishpeming!
Our first class park was host to two District Tournaments and the Central Region Junior Tournament.
NELL also won the Majors City Championship title.
Opening Day is scheduled for April 28th at 5:30pm (parade, Majors & AAA play) & May 3rd at 9:00am (AA, Coach Pitch 1 & 2 play). Times could be adjusted slightly, but please plan to attend so I can thank you for your contribution personally.
Midland Northeast Little League (NELL) is a chartered member of Little League® Baseball, Incorporated and operates under Federal Group Tax Exemption Number 3158 as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service Code. Annually, NELL submits a 990-EZ “Return of Organization Exempt Form Income Tax” under our employer identification number 38-2237641.
Again, thank you very much for helping us provide a great baseball experience for children of Midland. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Nicholas J. Kroll
President, Northeast Little League
1318 Foxwood Dr.
Midland, MI 48642
[email protected]